The Edison Early Learning Center

Our Programs


     Our classrooms are designed to foster your child's growth and learning.

Our main goal is to prepare your child for later success in elementary school

through a step-by-step goal-setting process. Our well-constructed

curriculum aids in this seamless process. We also rely on our well-qualified,

professional teaching staff to create a nurturing, positive, well-planned

learning environment. Parental support is vital to a child's success. We offer

parent conferences twice per school year. Each of our student's progress

is tracked through student portfolios and report cards. 

Early Preschool (Twos)

     This is the time to instill a bit of structure into your child's day.  We will help them understand routines by participating in many activities, including circle time, music & movement, small group learning, reading time, and outdoor recess. 


     This is the age of curiosity and independence.  Our staff will guide these traits by teaching self-help skills and planning fun and exciting lessons.  They will guide your child through age-appropriate milestones, which will better prepare them for preschool. Your child will be engrossed in particular interest areas to help develop their social-emotional, physical, cognitive, and communication skills. Your child does not have to be potty trained for this program, although it is encouraged, and teachers will provide potty training advice and support. 


Pre-Kindergarten 3 & 4 (Full & Half Day Programs)


     Children have tons of energy and love to explore their environment.  Play takes on a whole new meaning at this age!  They are learning through creativity and peer relationships.  This is why our teachers provide lots of hands-on activities and create an atmosphere for learning. 

     Pre-Kindergarten is an essential path in the journey to Kindergarten.  Our teachers encourage and motivate your child to develop a strong sense of self.  Our small class size of ten to twelve children allows our staff to provide tailored lessons that allow your child to reach his educational goals at a faster pace. 

     Our teachers' goal is to develop a strong foundation in phonological awareness, early pre-writing, pre-reading, social, and pre-math skills.  The Learning Without Tears Curriculum is used in our classrooms. Life skills are also an essential part of your preschooler's day.  Staff encourages students to build relationships with their peers, see situations from different perspectives, and monitor their behavior. Students participate in daily music & movement, circle time, fine motor activities, reading time, art, math, center time, and social studies. Please note: ​your child must be fully potty trained for these programs.

Junior Kindergarten (Full & Half Day Programs)


     Our Junior Kindergarten program is an academically challenging program for children entering Kindergarten the following fall. We strive for significant developmental gains in many areas of development, including

  • Writing (forming upper and lower case letters, words, simple sentences) Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum 
  • Reading (letter sounds, sight words, blends)
  • Everyday Math Curriculum (recognizing numbers, simple addition and subtraction, sequences, patterns, measurement, time, graphing, money, sorting, and classifying objects)
  • Gross Motor Skills (balance, jumping, climbing, skipping)
  • Life/Social Skills (working with peers, self-help, cooperation, independence)
  • Science (exploring the world around them, nature, experiments, STEM)
  • Social Studies (world events, holidays, cultural awareness, diversity)
  • Sonrisas Spanish Curriculum (songs, colors, numbers, basic words)        


Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts Program

     Our FREE PA Pre-K Counts program for eligible students aged 3 & 4 by September 1st. Students may NOT be Kindergarten age-eligible for the upcoming school year. Families must be income-eligible. The income level is based on family size and the 300% federal poverty limit (see link below). Daily program hours are 8:00 am to 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Students must attend five days per week for a minimum of 180 school days. Summer Programs and before & aftercare are available at current program rates. 

Please go to our homepage and complete the PK Counts enrollment form. You will then need to submit the items listed below for your child's application to be processed.

Income Verification (all that apply)

  • W-2 (previous year)
  • Paystubs reflecting household earnings
  • IRS form used for reporting tips
  • Written employer statement of anticipated earnings
  • Self-Employed: tax return or business records establishing profit
  • Unearned Income- SS letter stating the amount of SS benefits
  • Child Support (deductions or inclusion)

Other Required Documents:

  • Proof of PA residency (utility bill)
  • Child's immunization record & health assessment (see the parent forms page)
  • Copy of Child's Birth Certificate

*documents may be mailed, emailed (via scanning- no photos, please), or hand delivered to our school. 

For more information & eligibility requirements, visit: